Love on the Net
Howard Brian, Martin Edgar http://new-dating.com
Is it possible to find love on the Internet? You bet it is. Though dating sites won't give out specific information about nuptials among their paid membership, we know of many married couples who admit they met on the 'net.
It is possible to find your soul mate and true love in cyberspace. It might even happen when you least expect it. You may join thinking you just want potential sex partners and end up discovering the love of your life. You never know.
Your best strategy for finding love is to keep an open mind and "meet" as many women as possible. And keep in mind that, all too often, love happens when you least expect it. Some-times, the harder you look, the more elusive it may become.
Our advice: Concentrate on meeting as many potential partners as possible. Hone your profile continually and keep searching for the right chemistry. If you want a partner for life, look for a friend first. The best relationships we know started that way. Focus on having a good time. After all, life is too short for anything else.
Don't give up.
The men who participated in a People magazine poll created a dating wish list that included sincerity (14%), sense of humor (11%), a good body (9%), intelligence (8%), nice eyes (8%), ambition (6%), a nice butt (5%) and a nice smile (4%). We defy anyone to explain the logic behind these figures. The remaining 35% included hundreds of other wishes, none of which comprised even 1%.
The women, as you might expect, were a bit less physical when they listed sense of humor (25%), sincerity (13%), nice eyes (9%), nice smile (8%), good body (7%), intelligence (5%), height (4%), ambition (4%) and a nice butt (1%).
Howard Brian, Martin Edgar http://new-dating.com